Based on the video game series, Hylics, created by Mason Lindroth
and the musical Absent Moon, created by Chuck Salamone
A small chair sits in front of a sleeping cot and a suitcase. In front of the chair is the ROAMING TV. Seated on the chair is DEDUSMULN.
They gesture to turn on the TV and then smile.
Hello! It's Dedusmuln - of course ... who else has your frequency? I have discovered something absolutely fascinating in my travels. I wish I could tell you it was a paper plate - That would be exceedingly useful right now. Alas, it was not this but it was something nearly as fascinating!
They go to their suitcase and pull out a tattered book, holding it as if it could crumble to dust.
I discovered a different use for paper and I believe it influenced the usage of hylethems for folios! This particular stack of paper is covered in writings that seem to reveal more about the Pre-Accretion beliefs regarding the Afterlife ...
They gently open the book.
I wish you were here with me to read these papers. To tell me what this item is called ... I have translated some of this - a lot of it is still out of reach, however ...
They gingerly turn to the center of the book.
The writings describe something very similar to what we discovered on our first adventure together! Do you remember the beings you called ghosts? The ephemeral entities who our physical attacks could not harm? Well ... This describes them and their relation to the afterlife! Well ... life after death. I wish I had asked you why you were so discomforted when we first saw them. It does appear that some Pre-Accretion cultures regarded them with fear.
They look down at the book.
Others though ... others found it comforting. It is described that ghosts could be the non-physical parts of a being that ... well, died. Rather than going to a physical Afterlife, their will - I believe that's what the glyph translates to = would either remain in the place they died - which I certainly hope is not true - or they wander the earth and sometimes appear to those they loved ... or that loved them.
They consider the book and then close it gently.
Erm ... this artifact also describes a ritual that the dominant species of the Pre-Accretion would sometimes attempt in order to converse with the will of those who had passed on. I had Smuldunde send a board and planchette that they discovered because ... well, it appears to match the description I read in these papers! I ...
They place the book back into the suitcase and pull out an Ouija board.
I mean ... eventually, when I figure everything out, then ... you'll get to watch these recordings and chuckle at how incorrect I was. But ... I do want to try this.
DEDUSMULN places the board on the ground and kneels next to it.
So, the papers discussed that I must relax my mind - which you know is a major feat for a splithead like myself, but ... it's worth it to speak to ... I must do this for documentation!
They relax. Their hands move across the board. They look down as the planchette and their hands move.
Slip, I ... really struggle with these Pre-Accretion glyphs but ... Is anyone there?
Their hands and the planchette move to "YES"
The affirmative glyph ... Hmm ... Are you ... No ... Do you know me?
Their hands and planchette move around and return to "YES"
Are you a ghost? Well, that's a silly question, Dedus-
Their hands once again move around and back to "YES"
Fascinating ...
They hesitate.
Defoliate me, I should have asked you how your name would have been displayed using the Pre-Accretion glyphs when you were still ... If I ask ... Oh slip, I won't even know the answer. This was so foolish-
Their hands move around the board, spelling out something that DEDUSMULN cannot read.
I ... I'm sorry.
Their hands continue to move. DEDUSMULN becomes uneasy - they are definitely not in control of their hands or the planchette anymore.
I don't know what you're saying. I'm sorry.
Their hands move more emphatically. DEDUSMULN fights the pull but they are powerless before-
Stop! Please! I ... I only know Pre-Accretion glyphs related to specific fields! I never learned any conversational glyphs! Please stop! I ... I'm sorry!
Their hands immediately stop moving and DEDUSMULN pulls them away from the Ouija board, staring at their trembling hands. DEDUSMULN slumps over on themselves, choking back sobs.
I'm such a fool. To think that I could do this ... Smuldunde even mentioned that these boards could have simply been toys for juveniles and adolescents when they sent it. That it is possible that this board only uses the unconscious desires of the conjurer. You're just pursuing prismatic refractions, Dedusmuln ... nothing more ...
They return to the TV, voice shaky.
I ... I'm sorry that you will see this and see how ... how unstable I was in that moment. It's been - Well, it has been difficult on this island and ... I miss you. I miss you so much and I wanted to believe this would work! But ... those were Pre-Accretion theories based on Pre-Accretion rules ... The fact we encountered ghosts on our first adventure together is no indication that these were the same type of ghosts as described in those Pre-Accretion writings. I just wanted it to be true ... And ... Then I remembered I don't know how your name was ... I don't know what most Pre-Accretion glyphs truly mean and ... Sages ...
They hold themselves tight and then return their attention to the TV.
It ... It is getting late. And I should rest for the evening and then prepare for the next leg of my expedition on this island. I ... I miss you and I hope you will not think less of me when you are finally able to watch this recording.
They raise their hands to gesture.
Good-bye, Pongorma.
DEDUSMULN gestures the TV off. They put away the board and planchette and crawl into their sleeping cot, falling asleep.
A light comes up, upstage right, revealing an apparition of PONGORMA, hands out as if on the planchette.
I. M. I. S. S. Y. O. U. T. O. O.
He looks down at DEDUSMULN'S sleeping form. His hands on the ghostly planchette move as he says:
Good-bye ...