To My Binary Star

I would love you in any universe

I feel gravitationally pulled
My atoms have always sought out yours
The dust that makes me wants to find the dust that makes you
No matter where that dust takes form
It searches for you
Across every universe
In every possible time
I feel as if I could find you
That I could compliment my dust and feel full to bursting
In every niche
I yearn for you
How lucky that we met each other in these bodies?
How lucky to be able to experience this kind of love?
This closeness
This unity
I feel lighter when I am around you
As if the gravity of the earth has no effect
Because I am pulled into your orbit
Wanting to fall into you and become one with you
To be forged into something even better
Your love for me makes me feel like the most brilliant star
Like the chain reactions in my heart are making me glow
Burning bright and showing the world just how much I love you
And how much you love me
When I hear your voice
My heart flutters and swells
Because that is the voice that says "I love you"
That is the voice that calls me "Beautiful"
And the voice that is so sublime, no other sound could compare
I could listen to you speak and just melt into you
Ordering food
Speaking at work
Talking to friends
Singing in the car
I love your voice
I want to hear it always
Because I hear your voice and I hear every "I love you" that it has said
Your body is sublime
Just feeling you near me fills me with unbridled joy
I want to forever have the closeness that I feel with you
I will search for you over every lifetime
In every universe
I don't like the term "Soulmates"
"Twin Flame"
They're too loaded
They can't describe what this feels like
I'm so drawn to you I feel as if I can feel it across the multiverse
That wherever the dust that would make up you exists
The dust that would make up me would find you
To say it's predestined is wrong
It is a yearning
A pull
I am pulled to you like a binary star
Transferring mass and receiving mass
Surrendering myself into your accretion disc
Becoming one with you and glowing bright with you
This existence is a keystone existence
For in this body I found you and I exist with you
And you exist with me
I love you
In every universe